
建设工程施工合同 发包方(甲方)xxxx Party A: xxxx 承包方(乙方)xxxx Party B:…



Party A: xxxx

Party B: xxxx

例》以及国家相关法律法规的规定,结合本合同具体情况,于 xx 年 x 月 x 日在 xx 签订。
This contract is signed by the two Parties in xxxx on xxxx according to the “Contract Law of the
People’s Republic of China”, the “Regulation on Building and Installation Contracting
Contract”, and other relevant national laws and regulations, as well as the specific nature of
this project

第一条 总则

Article 1 General Principles

1.1 合同文件
Contract Documents

This contract includes the contract itself, exhibits, construction drawings, explanations of
work procedures, tender documents, as well as other documents specified by the contract.
The contract documents should be mutually explainable and mutually descriptive. The
documents that constituted the contract and the priority hierarchy of explanations of the
documents are as follows: this contract; the official letter of winning the tender; Letter of
bidding and its annex, standards, guidelines, and relevant technical documents, drawings, Bill
of Quantity (BOQ), quotation of prices, and project budget. During the implementation of the
contract, any written agreements or documents between two parties such as change-orders
are also regarded will be deemed as part of this contract.
1.1.1 项目概况
Project Introduction


1.1.2 工程名称:xxxx
Name of Project: xxxx
1.1.3 工程地点:xxxx
Location of Project: xxxx 工程范围:除了本合同其他条款另有说明外,乙方应提供为履行合同所需的所有服务,
Scope of the project: unless otherwise explained by other articles in this contract, Party B
shall provide all services, utensils, and other necessary cost for the implementation of this
contract; the scope of project includes, but not limited to:
Inner decoration, see appendix 1 & 2
Façade(including doors, windows, roof and stairs) see appendix 1 & 2
Electronic Engineering, see appendix 1 & 2
Air Conditioning System, see appendix 1 & 2
Water Supply, Sewage and Heating System, see appendix 1 & 2
Fire Control System, see appendix 1 & 2
Other items listed in the construction drawings (any changed drawings shall be provided
and confirmed by Party A). All these aforementioned items are generally referred as “project”
hereafter. 承包方式:乙方以包工包料,包工程质量,包安全,包文明施工的方式承包工程
Nature of Contracting: Party B shall be responsible for both labor and materials for this
project, and will responsible for the quality of this project, safety, as well as code of conduct
during the construction project.
1.1.4 甲方工地代表由甲方指派。
On-site representative of Party A shall be appointed by Party A
1.1.5 开工日期 xxxx
Date of the project beginning: xxxx
1.1.6 竣工日期 xxxx
Date of the project completion: xxxx
1.1.7 工程质量:质量合格,达到本合同要求和国家质量验收标准,并确保竣工验收一次合
如果由于验收未能一次通过而导致后续工程开工的延迟,乙方将按照每日工程总款的 2‰金额
赔偿给甲方作为罚金,但最多不超过工程总价款的 5%。
Quality of Project: The quality should be “Excellent”, and shall meet the requirements by


acceptance includes, but not limit to: ①concealed work, ②itemized project, ③reports of
this contract and the National Quality Standards, and should be guaranteed to be accepted at
experiments, and ④reports of material testing. In the event of project fails to be accepted at
the first attempt upon project completion, and shall also LEED certified. The scope of as-built
the first inspection and thus incurs delays beginning of the subsequent projects. Party B shall
compensate Party A at the daily rate of 2‰ of the total contract amount as penalty, but the
total amount shall not exceed 5% of the total contract amount.
1.1.8 工程资质:在实施此合同所涉及的工程时,乙方应确保其具有相关资质。如乙方因为不
Qualifications: Party B represents and warrants it is competent and legitimate to carry out the
services that set forth under this Agreement when implementing this contract. Party B shall be
responsible for any delay of the construction induced by their insufficient qualifications.

1.2 合同价款:
Contract Amount
本合同价款为人民币 xxxx,为固定总价合同价款。
The total contract amount is xxxx, which is fixed contract amount
This agreement includes the cost of equipment and materials, labor cost, machinery cost,
management cost, profit, tax, government charges on behalf of Party A, insurance,
transportation, labor, subcontract service fee, and all other cost for the completion of the
project, as well as every system testing, installation, and commissioning costs. This total
contract amount is exact amount that Party A shall pay to Party B and it includes the fact of
price fluctuation.

1.3 工程结算
Final Audit of project
1.3.1 本工程计价依据 GB50500-2008《建设工程工程量清单计价规范》采用固定总价,除施
This project is using fixed total amount according to GB50500-2008 the Pricing
Guidelines by Code of Quantity in Construction Projects, except that Party A may make price
adjustment in the event of the existing construction drawings are changed or add or remove
any construction work according to the request of Party A
1.3.2 所有的人工费用都不得以任何理由进行过调整,结算时只接受投标文件中约定的价格。
All labor cost shall NOT be adjusted in any event. Only the prices stimulated in the
bidding documents are accepted at the final audit after completion.
1.3.3 因工程调整而产生的工程洽商,如洽商费用超过人民币五万元整,则洽商文件必须在工


If the cost of change orders are over RMB 50,000 Yuan, then all change orders issued
because of the construction adjustments shall be submitted to Party A on the same day of the
construction mid-term check and acceptance, and the approved amount will be paid to Party B
with the construction mid-term payment; if the costs of the change orders are less than 50,000
Yuan, then all change orders issued because of the construction adjustments shall be
submitted to Party A on the same day of the construction completion check and acceptance,
and the approved amount will be paid to Party B with the construction completion payment.


Article 2 Government Approvals

2.1 乙方负责协助甲方办理此项施工需要办理的所有政府报批,包括但不仅限于消防、环保的
Party B shall be responsible to process government approvals related to the project,
including but not limited to: fire control, environment protection and other approvals related to
this Project. Party A is responsible for the costs of these approvals
2.2 乙方负责其工程报备
Party B shall be responsible for construction applications, approvals and related costs.
2.3 乙方应承担 2.2 所述报备不全而导致的政府罚金,并且不能顺延工期。
Party B shall be responsible for any government fines due to incomplete approval
processes, and should NOT cause delay in the construction period.


Article 3 Rights and Obligations of Party A

3.1 向乙方提供经确认的施工图纸或做法说明五份,并向乙方进行现场交底,向乙方提供施工
Party A shall provide FIVE copies of confirmed construction drawings and explanations of
work procedures, and shall conduct technical clarification. Party A shall provide Party B with
necessary water and power equipment and the instructions on using the equipment.
3.2 指派 xxxx 为甲方驻工地代表,负责合同的履行。对工程质量、进度进行监督检查,办理验
Party A appoints xxxx as the on-site representative to supervise the fulfillment of contract
obligations, to oversee the quality control and check the project progress, and to handle
issues such as acceptance and variations. In the event of the on-site representative of Party
A believes that any employee of Party B has improper conduct or misbehaviors, or if Party A
consider such employee is not competent for the relevant work, Party B shall dismiss and
replace this employee immediately; and unless having received consent by Party A in writing
in advance, Party B shall no longer hire the specified employee in the following phase of this
project. Party B should make every effort to replace the dismissed employee with competent


personnel authorized by on-site representative of Party A.
3.3 甲方按照付款约定向乙方支付工程款。
Party A should make payments to Party B according to the payment terms.
3.4 如甲方认为乙方确已无能力继续履行合同的,则甲方有权解除合同,乙方必须在接到甲方
In the event of Party A consider Party B is indeed unable to further fulfill its contract
obligations, then Party A has the right to terminate the contract, and Party B should vacate the
project site within two weeks after receiving Party A’s notice, so that Party A can resume
construction as soon as possible. Confirmation of finished quantity shall NOT be regarded
as a prerequisite to Party B’s vacation of the project site, and the confirmation should be
processed within one month after the project completion. Payment shall be made according
to the payment terms in this contract.
3.5 甲方有权要求乙方按照甲方的组织设计和施工工期进行施工,乙方如对甲方的要求和指令
Party A has the right to instruct Party B to do the construction according to Party A’s
organization and planned construction period; in the event of Party B ignores and refuses to
observe Party A’s instructions, Party B will be deemed as breach of the contract, and Party B
shall be held responsible for the liabilities of breaching the contract.
3.6 甲方有权要求乙方服从甲方的统一安排和管理,乙方的施工人员必须遵守各项规章制度。
Party A has the right to instruct Party B to observe the general arrangement and management
by Party A, and the construction staffs of Party B must observe all rules and regulations.
Party B shall be fully responsible for the consequences of such violations by the staff of Party
B. Party A has the right to directly deduct the corresponding amount from the total contract
3.7 甲方所有的通知可以以书面或口头形式发出,乙方接获甲方的通知后应根据通知规定的内
All notices from Party A can be made both in writing and orally, but the oral instructions are
only applicable to the representative of Party A. Party B shall, upon receiving notices from
Party A, execute the corresponding matters according to the content of the notices.
3.8 未经甲方同意,乙方不得将工程转让或分包,对于乙方将工程擅自转让或分包的,甲方有
Party B shall NOT transfer or subcontract the project to any third party without the consent of
Party A; in the event of Party B transfers or subcontracts the project to any third party without
the consent of Party A, Party A has the right to terminate the contract, and Party B must
accept and be responsible for any consequence of such violation.
3.9 甲方有权制定专业分包商,并按照乙方在投标文件中承诺的配合管理费率向乙方支付配合
Party A has the right to appoint special sub-contractors, and shall pay the management fee to



建筑施工合同中英文对照 下载链接: https://u253469.ctfile.com/fs/253469-231950884

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作者: 于老大
